Injury Care
There are two approaches to injury care. They are active and passive treatment. While both can help get patients on the road toward recovery, only active treatment has long-term impact and keeps patients moving.
We focus on treating injuries sustained in auto accidents, personal injuries, work injuries and sports injuries and provide complete interventional pain management services and therapeutic programs. Everything from bumps and bruises to torn ligaments and back pain.
Passive Injury Care
Passive injury care usually given by a doctor or a physical therapist. It includes:
- Acupuncture
- Applying heat/ice to sore muscles
- Pain medication
It’s a good starting point to help reduce pain, but passive injury care isn’t the most effective treatment. While it helps an injured person feel better in the moment, the relief doesn’t last. A patient won’t fully recover from injury unless they actively work to return to their normal life.
Active Injury Care
Active treatment also provided by a physician or physical therapist, relies on commitment from the injured person in order to work. When a patient takes ownership of their health, the active injury care process becomes more meaningful and productive. A modified activity plan will not only help an injured person transition to full function but also improves their overall physical, and emotional wellness.
- Spine, neck and back
- Headaches
- Knees, shoulders and wrists
- Torn ligaments
- Soft tissue injuries (muscle strains and sprains)
What does active injury care involve?
An active treatment plan keeps the body as strong and flexible as possible through a personalized work/transitional plan, which limits long-term impact and helps injured patients work toward a faster recovery. Injury Medical & Chiropractic clinic’s injury care, a clinician will work with the patient to understand the cause of injury, then create a rehabilitation plan that keeps the patient active and brings them to back to proper health in no time. For Answers to any questions you may have please call Dr. Jimenez at 915-850-0900
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