The Science Behind Intermittent Fasting | Nutrition Specialist
Though the truth has a tendency to get distorted by time, diet and exercise tendencies have origins in science.…
Intermittent Fasting May Increase Quality of Life | Scientific Specialist
Studies have demonstrated that reducing typical calorie consumption, usually by 30 to 40 percent, extends life span…
Intermittent Fasting: When and What to Eat | El Paso Specialist
For the majority of individuals, fasting all day and then having a good evening meal is the best strategy for a…
How to Exercise Alongside Intermittent Fasting | Human Science Specialist
Food is fuel. What could happen to your workout regimen if you were not eating your standard three meals (and…
Different Intermittent Fasting Methods | Nutrition Chiropractor
Below, you’ll find the five most popular methods and the basics of how they work. Keep in mind, intermittent…
The Function of Intermittent Fasting on the Body | Nutrition Specialist
Intermittent fasting is one of the most ancient secrets of health and wellness. Because it's been practiced…
What is Intermittent Fasting? | Human Science Specialist
Intermittent fasting (IF) is presently one of the world's most popular health and fitness trends. People are using…
The Importance of Return-to-Play After Sports Injuries | Sports Specialist
Return to play describes the stage in recovery from a sports injury when an athlete is able to go back to playing…
How Does Blood Flow Restriction Help Recovery | BFR Specialist
With the presence of blood flow restriction training in discussions surrounding intensity coaches and…
Blood Flow Restriction Therapy for Rehabilitation | BFR Specialist
BFR or blood flow restriction therapy has been around for a long time, but recently, the evidence for its use in…
Injury Proof Body: Endurance Events & Science
For many athletes following any major endurance event they will return to their houses, to recover, celebrate,…
Hamstring Function & Mechanism of Injury | Sports Specialist
Muscle strains are a common injury among athletes, together with the hamstrings being susceptible to damage in!-->…
Running Athletes and Hamstring Injuries | El Paso Chiropractor
Imagine you trained well for a significant race, got yourself into form and cruised through the first half of the…
BFR Gear, Placement and Wrapping Pressure | BFR Specialist
Blood Flow Restriction training (BFR) is a style of resistance training that utilizes the custom of wrapping a kind…
Blood Flow Restriction Training for Muscle Grownth | El Paso Specialist
In order to comprehend how BFR, or blood flow restriction, functions, it is important to perform a quick debriefing…
El Paso Specialist: Psychological Support for Athletes with Sports Injuries
Athletes face extreme pressure to return to play when they are hurt however, the true challenge for physicians is…
Sports Injuries & Athletic Psychological Effects | Therapy Specialists
Injury is a common occurrence in sport participation. Ask any athlete and they'll tell you that one of the…
Obturator Externus Injury: Unusual Cause Of Hip/Groin Pain
El Paso, TX. science based chiropractor, Dr. Alexander Jimenez looks at this uncommon problem – and how it can be…
Blood Flow Restriction Training Overview | BFR Specialist
Blood is responsible for the transportation of oxygen, nutrients, and other molecules crucial for life. Most…
Blood Flow Restriction Therapy for Hamstring Injuries | BFR Specialist
Blood flow restriction (BFR) training is a training strategy which involves the use of cuffs or pliers placed…
Extension-Related Low Back Pain: Sports & Science
Most of us will experience it at some point, but how does it influence on athletic performance? Chiropractic injury…
Herniated Disc Diagnosis: Exams and Imaging | Scientific Chiropractor
A herniated disc can lead to pain as well as disrupt your daily activities, as you likely know. That is probably…
Can incorporating nutritional yeast be an option for individuals seeking a healthy vegan and vegetarian cheese substitute?
Nutritional Yeast
Nutritional yeast is a deactivated form of Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast, commonly known as baker's or…
Greenstick Fracture in Children: What to Know
Broken bones are common injuries. Because children's bones grow rapidly, they have increased flexibility. When injuries,…
Dates: A Natural Sweetener for Healthy Living
Can adding dates to one's diet be nutritious and provide various health benefits for individuals looking for a naturally sweet…
Hula Hoop: The Low-Impact Exercise for Everyone
Can hula hooping be an option for individuals and athletes needing an effective, light, fun workout?
Hula Hoop Workout
A hula hoop…
GI Disorders Treatment and Its Impact on Wellness
Looking for solutions? Discover various GI disorder treatment options that can help restore your digestive wellness today.
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