Personal Injury
Personal injury claims are not settled without the proper documentation showing that chiropractic care was a reasonable and necessary medical expense. Accidents or injuries not only cause physical harm to you or a loved one, being involved in a personal injury case can often be confusing and complicated. These type of circumstances are unfortunately, fairly common and when the individual is faced with pain and discomfort as a result of trauma an accident or an underlying condition has been aggravated by the injury, finding the right treatment for their specific complication can be another challenge on its own. Dr. Alex Jimenez’s compilation of personal injury articles highlights a variety of p.i. cases, including automobile accidents resulting in whiplash, while also summarizing various effective treatments, such as chiropractic care. For more information, please feel free to contact us at (915) 850-0900 or text to call Dr. Jimenez personally at (915) 540-8444.
Whiplash & Neck Sprains from Traffic Collisions
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