Health & Wellness Coach
A Health & Wellness Coach is a mentor and wellness practitioner that supports and helps individuals reach their optimal health and feel their best through a customized food and lifestyle program that meets their unique needs and goals.
Health coaching does not focus on one diet or way of living.
Integrative Nutrition Coaching focuses on:
- Bio-individuality meaning we’re all different and are unique
- Diet
- Lifestyle
- Emotional needs
- Physical needs
It emphasizes health beyond the plate and wellness through primary food. At the core is the idea that there are areas that impact health just as much as food. This means that:
- Relationships
- Career
- Spirituality
- Physical activity
All contribute to overall well being.
There is no one-size-fits-all approach to health and wellness.
These professionals work with clients and teach them how to:
- Detox their bodies
- Fuel their bodies
- Maintain their bodies
This leads to individuals becoming the:
- Healthiest
- Happiest
That they can be!
Health & Wellness Coaches offer services in private one-on-one sessions and group coaching.
Health Coaching in El Paso: Part 2
A Health and Wellness Coach El Paso, TX.
Health Coaching in El Paso: Part 1
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