
Relief from Meralgia Paresthetica: Effective Strategies

Individuals experiencing pain, numbness, tingling, or a burning sensation in the front and outer thigh could have meralgia paresthetica, a… Read More

June 25, 2024

What Causes Funny Bone Sensations and How to Relieve Them

Can understanding the location of the funny bone and how pain can be managed after injury help expedite recovery and… Read More

May 31, 2024

Preventing and Treating Neuropathic Gait: A Comprehensive Guide

Can physical therapies help treat a high steppage gait from injury or medical conditions and restore normal gait patterns for… Read More

May 15, 2024

The Impact of Pudendal Neuropathy on Pelvic Health

For individuals experiencing pelvic pain, it could be a disorder of the pudendal nerve known as pudendal neuropathy or neuralgia… Read More

April 26, 2024

Is Laser Spine Surgery Right for You? Exploring the Benefits

For individuals who have exhausted all other treatment options for low back pain and nerve root compression, can laser spine… Read More

April 25, 2024

Managing Peripheral Neuropathy: Tips and Treatment Methods

Certain neurological disorders can cause acute episodes of peripheral neuropathy, and for individuals diagnosed with chronic peripheral neuropathy, can physical… Read More

April 5, 2024

Deep Buttock Pain: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments

Can physical therapy treatment protocols aimed at improving range of motion and flexibility around the hip and relieving inflammation around… Read More

February 28, 2024

The Role of Intervertebral Foramen in Spinal Nerve Function

For individuals looking to improve their spinal health, can understanding the anatomy of the intervertebral foramen help in injury rehabilitation… Read More

February 19, 2024

The Role of Motor Units in Weightlifting and Fitness

For individuals starting to lift weights, motor units are important for muscle movement. Can building more motor units help build… Read More

February 9, 2024

Understanding Nerve Blocks: A Guide to Diagnosis & Treatment

For individuals dealing with chronic pain, can undergoing a nerve block procedure help alleviate and manage symptoms? Nerve Blocks A… Read More

January 24, 2024

Understanding Thoracodorsal Nerve Injury: What You Should Know

Individuals experiencing pain symptoms like shooting, stabbing, or electrical sensations to the latissimus dorsi of the upper back could be… Read More

January 2, 2024

Facet Hypertrophy: Slowing the Progression

Facet hypertrophy is an incurable, chronic disease that affects the facet joints in the spine. Can recognizing symptoms help in… Read More

November 14, 2023

How to Fight Burning Feet from Exercising: Causes and Solutions

Individuals' feet will heat up when walking or running; however, burning feet could be a symptom of medical conditions like… Read More

October 20, 2023

Exploring Causes and Symptoms of Paresthesia

Individuals feeling tingling or pins and needles sensations that overtake the arms or legs could be experiencing paresthesia, which occurs… Read More

October 11, 2023

Overview of Small Fiber Neuropathy and Its Signs

Individuals diagnosed with peripheral neuropathy, or with small fiber neuropathy, can understanding symptoms and causes help with potential treatments? Small… Read More

October 2, 2023

Hamstring Muscle Tears Explained: What You Need To Know

Hamstring muscle injuries are common, especially in athletes and individuals with physically demanding jobs. Is there a better chance of… Read More

September 22, 2023

Nerve Pain in the Foot: A Complete Guide

Individuals that experience nerve pain in the foot could be caused by a number of different conditions, can recognizing the… Read More

September 13, 2023

Sciatic Endometriosis

Can combining chiropractic treatment with the common therapies of medication, exercise, and/or physical therapy help relieve sciatic endometriosis pain symptoms?… Read More

September 5, 2023

Terms For Nerve Pain: Radiculopathy, Radiculitis, Neuritis

 Are treatments more successful when patients know key terms that describe their back pain and associated conditions? Nerve Pain Types… Read More

August 10, 2023

Radial Nerve: Peripheral Upper Extremity

The brachial plexus is a network of nerves that begin in the cervical/neck spinal cord and travel down the cervicoaxillary… Read More

July 31, 2023

Compressed Nerve In The Knee

A nerve becomes pinched/compressed when added pressure is placed on it by surrounding structures that can include muscles, bones, ligaments,… Read More

July 12, 2023

Running Piriformis Syndrome: EP Wellness Doctor Rx

The piriformis is a large and powerful muscle beneath the gluteal/buttocks muscles. It runs from the bottom of the sacrum,… Read More

May 18, 2023