Getting an accurate chronic pain diagnosis is essential to creating the most optimal, highly customized treatment plan for the individual. Depending on the severity and cause of pain, individuals could… Read More
The human brain is extremely complex. Although responsible for many of our body’s capabilities, it has been known to cause extreme downfalls and disabilities if it goes awry. Neurodegenerative disorders… Read More
Research studies have demonstrated the fundamental role of nutrition in health and longevity. The standard American diet, which is generally high in fat and sugar, has been associated with a… Read More
Anybody can have chronic pain. Adults typically complain of joint pain, low back pain, and neurogenic pain. While children and teenagers are more likely to have more headaches, abdominal pain,… Read More
Injury Susceptibility, recovery, power and endurance are all key components when it comes to sports. By using the DNA Sport test from DNA Life we have the opportunity to gain… Read More PODCAST: Dr. Alex Jimenez and Kenna Vaughn introduce Sonja Schoonenberg to discuss epigenetics and nutrition. Our diet can affect our gene expression. Therefore, eating unhealthy foods can ultimately increase… Read More
Several conditions and factors can cause chronic pain. Usually, these are conditions that accompany normal aging, which affect bones and joints. The top three are osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and fibromyalgia.… Read More
PODCAST: Dr. Alex Jimenez and Kenna Vaughn introduce Sonja Schoonenberg to discuss epigenetics and nutrition. Our diet can affect our gene expression. Therefore, eating unhealthy foods can ultimately increase… Read More
Athletic success has a lot to do with our coaches, internal motivation, and time dedicated to the sport. However, it also has to do with our genetics. The athletic phenotype… Read More
How does pain become chronic? Pain can be a complex condition, as it involves both physiological and psychological components. When an individual experiences an injury, the damaged tissues trigger and… Read More