El Paso Functional Medicine
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Try Decompression For Trapped Sciatic Nerves



The lower half of the body helps provide stability to the upper half of the body. The hips, legs, and feet have sensory and motor functions from the nerves part of the peripheral nervous system. These nerves are connected to the lumbar region of the spine that makes the hips rotate, the feet sense where it is going, and the legs move around freely. One of the nerves connected to the lumbar regions of the spine is the sciatic nerve. The sciatic nerve extends from the spinal cord’s lower lumbar region through the buttock muscle region and travels down to the legs. When unwanted symptoms start to affect the lower half of the body, it can cause the sciatic nerves to become trapped in the buttock muscle region and irritated, causing sciatica to develop. Today’s article will focus on the deep gluteal syndrome, how it affects the sciatic nerve, and how decompression treatments can help relieve trapped sciatic nerves. Referring patients to qualified and skilled providers who specialize in spinal decompression therapy. We guide our patients by referring to our associated medical providers based on their examination when it’s appropriate. We find that education is essential for asking insightful questions to our providers. Dr. Alex Jimenez DC provides this information as an educational service only. Disclaimer


Can my insurance cover it? Yes, it may. If you are uncertain, here is the link to all the insurance providers we cover. If you have any questions or concerns, please call Dr. Jimenez at 915-850-0900.

What Is Deep Gluteal Syndrome?

Do you feel pain in your hips and buttock regions? How about stinging, burning pain that is causing leg pain? Do your buttock muscles gradually begin to feel numbness or spasms throughout the day? If you have been dealing with these symptoms, it could be deep gluteal syndrome. Research studies have defined deep gluteal syndrome as a presence of pain located in the buttock region that causes the surrounding muscles to press on the nerve roots and cause unwanted pain. When a person suffers from an accident like falling and landing on their butt, the muscles feel the effects of that fall and start to compress the sciatic nerve that is traveling down the leg and causes pain to the body’s lower extremities. Other studies have shown that deep gluteal syndrome factors can cause this condition to develop over time due to increased muscle tension that aggravates the sciatic nerve. Other causes of the deep gluteal syndrome can include prolonged sitting. The butt muscles start to pinch the sciatic nerves constantly, the muscles from the buttock start to feel tender to the touch, and abnormalities in the piriformis muscles can lead to the development of sciatica. 


How Does It Affect The Sciatic Nerve & Symptoms?

Since deep gluteal syndrome causes muscle tension in the buttock region, it can aggravate the sciatic nerve and causes sciatica-like symptoms in the legs. Research studies have mentioned that deep gluteal syndrome can cause a painful presence in the buttock muscles while trapping the sciatic nerve within the gluteal space, causing the sciatic nerve to become irritated. Since the sciatic nerve is located in the spinal cord and goes all the way to the legs, sciatica is presented whenever the lower half of the body is suffering from factors like herniated discs, piriformis syndrome, and even deep gluteal syndrome.


Some of the symptoms that deep gluteal syndrome causes to the lower regions of the body are sciatica. Since the sciatic nerve is located in the lower back and runs across the butt and down to the legs, it can cause leg pain since the nerves are either trapped by the buttock muscles or irritated due to a compressed disc in the spine. Other symptoms that are caused by deep gluteal syndrome involve:

  • Muscle tenderness
  • Tingling sensations traveling down the legs
  • Pain becomes worse during light to moderate exercises
  • Muscle aches on the hips, lower back, and buttock

Spinal Decompression With The DRX9000- Video

Do you feel less mobility in your hips? How about the excruciating pain that travels down to your legs? Does it hurt when you walk or sit down for long periods? This could result from deep gluteal syndrome associated with sciatica, and decompression therapy might be the relief you are looking for. The video above explains how the DRX9000 helps relieve herniated discs from aggravating the sciatic nerve. The DRX9000 is part of a wellness treatment known as decompression therapy that incorporates gentle traction on the spinal discs by increasing their height between the spinal joints and promoting a healing factor for those suffering from low back pain issues. Decompression therapy can be in surgical and non-surgical treatments depending on the severity of pain that the spine is in. Incorporating spinal decompression as part of your wellness treatment is beneficial. This link will explain how decompression offers optimal comfort for many people who suffer from sciatica and deep gluteal syndrome while also getting them back to their health and wellness journey.

How Decompression Can Help Relieve Deep Gluteal Syndrome


With sciatica-like symptoms associated with deep gluteal syndrome affecting the buttock and the legs, many people have turned to find some relief to ease the tense muscles that aggravate the sciatic nerve. Research studies have shown that endoscopic decompression surgery allows the individual to be supine while physicians gently move the piriformis muscle away from the sciatic nerve and relieve the pain. Other decompression treatments can also help lower the sciatic nerve’s inflammation, causing the legs to be under and reducing muscle spasms occurring, as research has found.



Overall, having pain in the lower half of the body is never a good thing. The lower half of the body allows stability for the upper half as the motor functions provide the legs to move around. When an injury starts to affect the lower half, it can cause sciatica-like symptoms associated with the deep gluteal syndrome. These conditions can cause motor dysfunction in the legs and cause a person to become unstable. Treatments like decompression therapy allow the buttock muscles to ease off the sciatic nerve and provide relief to the legs. As part of a person’s wellness journey, decompression treatments will enable the return of leg mobility to the individual without feeling pain around the lower regions of the body.



Ham, Dong Hun, et al. “Effectiveness of Endoscopic Sciatic Nerve Decompression for the Treatment of Deep Gluteal Syndrome.” Hip & Pelvis, Korean Hip Society, Mar. 2018, www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5861023/.

Hopayian, Kevork, and James Heathcote. “Deep Gluteal Syndrome: An Overlooked Cause of Sciatica.” The British Journal of General Practice : the Journal of the Royal College of General Practitioners, Royal College of General Practitioners, 26 Sept. 2019, www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6774708/.

Martin, Hal David, et al. “Deep Gluteal Syndrome.” Journal of Hip Preservation Surgery, Oxford University Press, July 2015, www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4718497.

Professionals, Intermountain Healthcare. “Deep Gluteal Syndrome: Intermountain Home.” Intermountain Healthcare, 2022, intermountainhealthcare.org/medical-specialties/orthopedics-sports-medicine/conditions/deep-gluteal-syndrome/.

Son, Byung-Chul, et al. “Decompression of the Sciatic Nerve Entrapment Caused by Post-Inflammatory Scarring.” Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society, The Korean Neurosurgical Society, Feb. 2015, www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4345190/.


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The information herein on "Try Decompression For Trapped Sciatic Nerves" is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional or licensed physician and is not medical advice. We encourage you to make healthcare decisions based on your research and partnership with a qualified healthcare professional.

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Our information scope is limited to Chiropractic, musculoskeletal, physical medicines, wellness, contributing etiological viscerosomatic disturbances within clinical presentations, associated somatovisceral reflex clinical dynamics, subluxation complexes, sensitive health issues, and/or functional medicine articles, topics, and discussions.

We provide and present clinical collaboration with specialists from various disciplines. Each specialist is governed by their professional scope of practice and their jurisdiction of licensure. We use functional health & wellness protocols to treat and support care for the injuries or disorders of the musculoskeletal system.

Our videos, posts, topics, subjects, and insights cover clinical matters, issues, and topics that relate to and directly or indirectly support our clinical scope of practice.*

Our office has reasonably attempted to provide supportive citations and has identified the relevant research study or studies supporting our posts. We provide copies of supporting research studies available to regulatory boards and the public upon request.

We understand that we cover matters that require an additional explanation of how it may assist in a particular care plan or treatment protocol; therefore, to further discuss the subject matter above, please feel free to ask Dr. Alex Jimenez, DC, or contact us at 915-850-0900.

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Dr. Alex Jimenez DC, MSACP, RN*, CCST, IFMCP*, CIFM*, ATN*

email: coach@elpasofunctionalmedicine.com

Licensed as a Doctor of Chiropractic (DC) in Texas & New Mexico*
Texas DC License # TX5807, New Mexico DC License # NM-DC2182

Licensed as a Registered Nurse (RN*) in Florida
Florida License RN License # RN9617241 (Control No. 3558029)
License Compact Status: Multi-State License: Authorized to Practice in 40 States*
Presently Matriculated: ICHS: MSN* FNP (Family Nurse Practitioner Program)

Dr. Alex Jimenez DC, MSACP, RN* CIFM*, IFMCP*, ATN*, CCST
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