How to Avoid Stressing Your Back El Paso, Texas

Here are some tips to avoid stressing your back. Ergonomics breaks down how our work environment affects our work and… Read More

February 3, 2020


BMI is a term that everyone has heard at least once in their life. We have been using it for… Read More

January 31, 2020

Questions and Answers About Chiropractic Care El Paso, TX.

Here are a few questions that most new patients have along with the answers about chiropractic adjustments, how they work,… Read More

January 30, 2020

Chronic Back/Neck Pain and Insomnia El Paso, Texas

Individuals with chronic back and neck pain often have sleeping problems/disorders because of their pain. This is usually the case… Read More

January 29, 2020

Using an Ergonomic Chair and the Adjustments for a Healthy Back

Around 70% of America's workforce sits in an office chair for most of the day. Then we spend extended time… Read More

January 28, 2020

Groceries to Promote Bone Boost for Spine Wellness El Paso, TX.

Foods we eat can help prevent spinal fractures, osteoporosis, along with other bone issues. Most of us struggle to get the proper… Read More

January 24, 2020

Complementary/Alternative/Integrative Wellness for Back/Neck Pain

More and more individuals are looking to add or try out complementary, alternative or integrative treatments for their back and… Read More

January 22, 2020

Back/Spine Care and Standing Work El Paso, Texas

Back/spine injuries now rank either second or third overall for workplace injury/s. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, every… Read More

January 20, 2020

Unusual Causes of Sciatica El Paso, Texas

Sciatica is not only caused by a spinal injury, although this is the primary cause, sciatica can also surprisingly be… Read More

January 17, 2020

Macronutrients and Health

Micronutrients consist of essential vitamins and minerals. Macronutrients refer to protein, fat, and carbohydrates. Read More

January 17, 2020