Electroacupuncture Wellness
Acupuncture therapists use thin needles to stimulate specific points to relieve pain and other symptoms. Electroacupuncture follows traditional acupuncture with the insertion of sterile needles into specific points to regulate energy circulation. Once the needles are placed into the points, wires are clipped onto the needles and plugged into an electro-therapy machine, which generates a soft electrical current into the needles. It is believed to help increase blood circulation, which can help to relieve any pain and blockages. Electroacupuncture can treat various conditions, including:
Chronic pain
Muscle spasms
Sports injuries
Hormonal imbalances
Digestive problems like constipation or diarrhea
Neurological conditions
Electroacupuncture increases the intensity of the signals sent to the body through the needles and increases energy flow. It is soothing, providing a soft vibration and fluid treatment. The electrode ensures that the individual receives optimal stimulation, and treatments tend to be shorter than traditional treatments because of the continued and stronger electrical stimulation. An advantage of electro-acupuncture is its ability to simulate larger areas and increase the intensity of the signals sent through the needles to optimize treatment.
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