• THE MOBILITY • FLEXIBILITY & AGILITY EXPERTS • Specializations: Treating Severe Pain, Sciatica, Neck & Back Pain, Whiplash, Headaches, Joint Injuries, Sports Injuries, Degenerative Arthritis. Advanced therapies focused on mobility recovery, structural conditioning, health, nutrition, wellness, and optimal fitness. Our chiropractors, nutritionists, doctors, nurse practitioners, and medically integrated clinical staff are ready to help you. We focus on functional medicine treatment plans that bring genuine care and health to our patients. We offer injury care, sports wellness, and nutritional treatment protocols that bring optional health to you.

Elimination Diet | Tips & Tricks

November 14, 2020

The Elimination diet is a therapeutic approach to adverse food reactions. It focuses on reducing inflammation and toxic burden and promoting a healthy microbiome through the implementation of a gluten-free,… Read More

Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

November 14, 2020

What is it? How to treat it? We all have gastrointestinal disturbances, some of them can be mild, and other ones may feel terrible to the point that your quality… Read More

Food Allergy

November 14, 2020

Allergies have been around for what it seems like forever. Most of our patients suffer from environmental or seasonal allergy. Most of the patients with on-going gastrointestinal symptoms self-diagnose with… Read More

Spinal Misalignment Signs and Symptoms

November 13, 2020

Most individuals go about their lives without thinking about poor posture and spinal misalignment, not to mention the spinal health problems/conditions that are associated with misaligned vertebrae. Most spinal misalignments… Read More

Disc Pain and Nerve Root Pain Understanding Spinal Disc Problems

November 12, 2020

Back or disc pain is becoming increasingly common for individuals of all ages. The spinal discs are prone to injury because of the extreme amount of pressure/stress placed on the… Read More

Benefits of the Elimination Diet

November 12, 2020

The food that we eat has an impactful effect on our health. Sometimes symptoms like depression, eczema, mood swings, headaches, digestive problems, joint pain, weight gain, and chronic sinus drainage… Read More

Hormone Assessment Step by Step.

November 11, 2020

Hormones work as a communication system within our bodies. Hormones, glandules, and the endocrine system work together to meet basic physiologic functions such as growth and homeostasis, all the way… Read More

Brachial Neuritis: Shoulder, Arm, Hand Pain, and Chiropractic Intervention

November 11, 2020

Shoulder and arm pain can be debilitating, especially when there is no obvious cause or injury that needs to be treated. A rare condition known as brachial neuritis can cause… Read More

Anterior/Posterior Pelvic Tilt Prevention with Chiropractic Foot Orthotics

November 10, 2020

Few individuals realize they have problems with their feet. Flat feet can cause anterior or posterior pelvic tilt. This is a condition where the pelvis tilts too far forward or… Read More

Young Adult Degenerative Disc Disorder and Optimal Spine Health

November 9, 2020

Young adults don't think about disc deterioration/degeneration until it's time for the golden years. The disorder is known as Scheuermann's disease, Scheuermann's Kyphosis, and juvenile disc disorder. It affects young adults… Read More