
Working from Home with Back Pain El Paso, Texas

Companies are doing what they can to keep operations moving and workers employed. Those that are able to work-from-home are… Read More

April 22, 2020

Best Office Chairs for Back Pain

It could be time for a proper office chair with back support for those with back pain, as well as… Read More

April 14, 2020

Spring Cleaning, the Spine and Back Pain El Paso, Texas

As we have transitioned to the spring season, especially with everything going on, most of us are taking on a… Read More

April 7, 2020

Ergonomic Computer Use for Children El Paso, TX.

As you teach healthy ergonomics, remember these neutral posture guidelines apply to children but can also benefit adults. The main focus… Read More

February 12, 2020

Chronic Back/Neck Pain and Insomnia El Paso, Texas

Individuals with chronic back and neck pain often have sleeping problems/disorders because of their pain. This is usually the case… Read More

January 29, 2020

Back/Spine Care and Standing Work El Paso, Texas

Back/spine injuries now rank either second or third overall for workplace injury/s. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, every… Read More

January 20, 2020

Pregnancy Back Pain Can Lead to Sciatica El Paso, TX.

Being pregnant is one of life's many joys, however, with the added weight comes normal back pain that can lead… Read More

December 3, 2019

How To Choose The Best Pillow El Paso, Texas

We've all seen the commercials, web ads, emails, etc about the best pillow around. Getting a good night's sleep can be… Read More

November 6, 2019

Taking Charge of Upper Back Pain El Paso, Texas

The upper back, known as the thoracic spine, is the area between the neck and lower back. Stiffness, muscle spasms,… Read More

October 22, 2019

Flatback Syndrome and Back Pain El Paso Texas

A Normal Spinal Column & Flatback Syndrome Looking at someone straight on the spine should be straight. Looking at someone… Read More

October 17, 2019

College Students And Chiropractic Wellness

College is one of the most exciting times for anyone. With college also comes physical stress. Sitting throughout the day,… Read More

June 3, 2019

Looking Down At Your Phone Too Much El Paso, TX.

The human head can put tremendous pressure on the neck when in different positions – specifically when looking down at… Read More

May 22, 2019

4 Reasons Why Chiropractic Is Good for Your Spine

Your spine goes through a lot each day. It provides structural support and houses the central nervous system which carries… Read More

September 24, 2018

4 Posture Tips Everyone Can Use

Posture Tips: Good posture is more important than many people realize. Many a mother has followed her child around, reminding… Read More

July 16, 2018

Posture Affects Your Health | El Paso, TX.

Your mother always said don’t slouch - turns out she was right. And she has science to back it up.… Read More

June 14, 2018

Sciatica and Other Health Issues Caused by Poor Posture in El Paso, TX

Sciatica is a condition characterized by painful symptoms, often originating from the lower back all the way down to the… Read More

May 4, 2018

The Effects of Poor Posture on Longevity | El Paso, TX

We all have learned about the importance of having good posture. From a young age, people are told time and… Read More

May 3, 2018

Improve Posture With Chiropractic | El Paso, TX.

Improve Posture: Your mother always told you to stand up straight – and she was right. Good posture is very… Read More

April 23, 2018

Working At A Desk: 4 Chiropractic Tips

Working: There are dangers in everyday life, from slipping in the shower to getting mowed down by the next door… Read More

January 3, 2018

Sitting While Working, What You Need To Know

Sitting: It's no big secret that exercise is good for you. Many articles and books have been written and studies… Read More

December 28, 2017