
Satisfying Nighttime Snacks: Improving Nutritional Value

Can understanding night cravings help individuals who constantly eat at night plan meals that satisfy and choose nutritious snacks? Eating… Read More

May 10, 2024

Nocturnal Leg Cramps: EP’s Wellness Doctor Rx

Lying down on the couch or bed when the lower leg seizes with intense sensations and pain that doesn’t stop,… Read More

June 26, 2023

Late Night Healthy Nutritious Snacks: EP Wellness Doctor Rx

With the summer approaching, the day's heat makes the body want to eat light or not at all. That's when… Read More

May 26, 2023

Sciatica Sufferers: Get Better Sleep with These Tips

Sciatica Sleep: Poor sleep can leave the body feeling off and unable to function. Not getting the proper amount of… Read More

May 19, 2022

Muscle Cramp and Muscle Spasm: Bio-Chiropractic Insight

Muscle cramp and muscle spasm: Three types of muscles make up the body. Cardiac muscle makes up the heart. Smooth… Read More

August 6, 2021

Sleep Apnea and Back Pain

A good portion of the population deals with night back pain. But there is another group that can attribute their… Read More

April 19, 2021