
Chiropractors and Lawyers | Video | El Paso, Tx

Being involved in an auto accident can affect the well-being of an individual. Whiplash, back pain, and neck pain, among… Read More

January 30, 2019

Best Knee Rehabilitation Methods | Video | El Paso, Tx (Chiropractic)

The knee is the largest, complex joint in the human body. The knee joint is vulnerable to a variety of… Read More

January 29, 2019

Best Sports Injury Therapy | Video | El Paso, TX.

James Hill saw Dr. Jimenez when his daughter Madison suffered a ankle injury. Through many different chiropractic therapy techniques and… Read More

January 24, 2019

Car Accident Injury Rehabilitation | Video | El Paso, TX.

Automobile accident injuries are common health issues which can affect an individual's overall health and well-being. For many patients, automobile… Read More

January 11, 2019

Sports Injury Rehabilitation | Video | El Paso, Tx

Louie Martinez has been a Wrestling coach for 15 years, coaching young athletes ranging from 8 to 15 years old.… Read More

November 9, 2018

Acute Injury Management: What Does the Acronym PRICE Stand For?

When dealing with a sports injury or similar type of injury, many people are familiar with the R.I.C.E. protocol for… Read More

November 1, 2018

What is Kinesio Tape & How Do Chiropractors Use It? | El Paso, TX.

You may have seen professional athletes, dancers, gymnasts, and others who engage in extremely physical activities using a type of… Read More

October 26, 2018

El Paso, TX. Sports Injury Treatment

El Paso, TX. Massage therapist, Sandra Rubio has worked with Dr. Alex Jimenez for about six years. Sandra discovered how… Read More

September 4, 2018

Sports Chiropractic Treatment |Video

Vincent Garcia, an athlete training in mixed martial arts, or MMA, suffered a knee injury and developed turf toe, but… Read More

August 16, 2018

Chiropractor Near Me | Video

Chiropractor Near Me: Due to his previous back injury history, George Lara suffered a recent back injury which he was… Read More

July 25, 2018

Lower Back Injury And Chiropractic Care | El Paso, TX. | Video

Lower Back Injury: Isaiah Delgado, wrestler, began participating in a fitness and nutrition program at Push-as-RX in order to improve… Read More

June 13, 2018

Integrated Chiro and Rehab El Paso, TX CHiropractor | Video

Integrated: Brian Filidor is an aspiring wrestler who's had a life-changing experience through chiropractic and agility training with Dr. Alex… Read More

June 8, 2018

Patellofemoral Syndrome? Chiropractic Relieves The Pain! | El Paso, TX.

Patellofemoral Syndrome: As the weather warms and spring is in full swing, more and more runners are heading outside, hitting… Read More

May 31, 2018

Cyclists Benefit With Chiropractic | El Paso, TX. 

Cyclists: Now that summer is upon us and the chilly winds of winter are gone for at least a few… Read More

May 30, 2018

Ankle Pain | How Chiropractic Helps Resolves It | El Paso, TX.

Ankle pain and injury are not issues reserved solely for athletes. In the United States, more than 25,000 people deal… Read More

May 25, 2018

Cutting Your Nerve Changes Your Brain | El Paso, TX.

[et_pb_section bb_built="1"][et_pb_row][et_pb_column type="4_4"][et_pb_text] Following upper limb peripheral nerve transection and surgical repair, some patients regain good sensorimotor function while others… Read More

May 24, 2018

Skateboarding Injury Treatment | El Paso, TX. | Video

Skateboarding: Javier Mata has entrusted Dr. Alex Jimenez for many years now, receiving trustworthy chiropractic care after experiencing several low… Read More

May 22, 2018

Personal Injury Rehabilitation | El Paso, TX. | Video

Sandra Rubio talks about personal injury rehabilitation, including stretches and exercises, which are provided by Dr. Alex Jimenez and his… Read More

May 9, 2018

Chiropractic Alignment | El Paso, TX. | Video

Daniel Alvarado, owner of PUSH Fitness, first met Dr. Alex Jimenez through the connection of a good friend and they… Read More

May 2, 2018

Chiropractic Treatment For Neck Pain | El Paso, TX.

Chiropractic treatment is a nonsurgical option that can help reduce neck pain and related symptoms. Below are some of the… Read More

April 24, 2018

Chiropractic Vs. Surgery For Sciatica Pain In El Paso, TX. | Video

Sciatica Pain: The sciatic nerve is the largest single nerve found within the human body, running from each side of… Read More

April 19, 2018

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Auto Accident Injuries in El Paso, TX

Being involved in an automobile accident is an undesirable situation which can result in a variety of physical trauma or… Read More

March 16, 2018