Strength Training

Hip Issues Could Be Source of Lower Back Pain

Back discomfort and pain could be caused by hip issues and could be resolved with hip replacement. According to a… Read More

September 22, 2020

Weightlifting Fitness and Chiropractic, The Perfect Team

Weightlifting and chiropractic go hand in hand as a perfect team. Weightlifting can be utilized by everyone in some way.… Read More

September 9, 2020

Healthy Aging of the Body’s Muscles

Healthy aging is not the easiest to do. The muscle aging process breaks down faster than they get repaired as… Read More

August 21, 2020

Sacroiliac Joint Stretches and Exercises for Pain Relief

A doctor, chiropractor, or physical therapist could recommend therapeutic stretches along with exercises as part of a sacroiliitis or sacroiliac… Read More

August 17, 2020

Spinal Stenosis Causes and Prevention

Understanding the cause of spinal stenosis is important for accurate diagnosis and in creating a customized optimal treatment plan. The… Read More

August 14, 2020

Bicycling and Back Pain: What to Know

Indoors or out, bicycling can be great for an individual's back with proper preparation. With everything that is going on,… Read More

August 11, 2020

Self-Care Practice When Back Pain Flares Up

Self-care practice when back pain flares up is a way for individuals to give themselves self-therapy attention in the midst… Read More

July 28, 2020

Head Down, Shoulders Hunched Forward = Phone Neck Pain

Being attached to a smartphone and looking down for a long can cause phone neck pain. We are all constantly… Read More

July 24, 2020