
Sports Specific Performance Training

Sports-specific performance training is an approach to develop an athlete's full potential in their sport. This involves three different factors:… Read More

February 17, 2022

Improve Sports Performance

Athletes or weekend warriors hate to be sidelined from an injury or physical limitation. This is where chiropractic medicine and… Read More

February 1, 2022

Triathlon Training With Back Pain Issues

Triathlon training involves running, biking, and swimming. This much fitness training takes a toll on the body. Pulled hamstrings, twisted… Read More

August 27, 2021

Weight Training To Strengthen The Back Muscles

When back pain presents for a prolonged period, the back muscles reduce in mass but increase fat content, resulting in… Read More

August 3, 2021

Lower Back Muscle Knots Can Be Broken Down With Chiropractic

Muscle knots are common and can occur anywhere on the body. They can cause aching and pain in the muscles… Read More

June 3, 2021

Gaining Relief From Back Pain During Menstrual Cycle

Women are familiar with abdominal cramps, Pre Menstrual Syndrome, and headaches that accompany their menstrual cycle. However not as many… Read More

June 2, 2021

The Role of Dysbiosis and Thyroid Function

 Dysfunction of the immune system is the common denominator of diseases like Grave's disease (GD), Hashimoto's disease (HD), and celiac… Read More

June 1, 2021

Progesterone- It’s More Than A Hormone

Hormones are responsible for many functions throughout the body. The body depends on these levels to be stable and released… Read More

May 28, 2021

Cardio Exercise Equipment That Won’t Worsen Back Pain

At home or a gym, working out with cardio exercise equipment can be a highly beneficial treatment for back discomfort,… Read More

May 25, 2021

Temporomandibular Joint, Jaw Pain, Chiropractic Lasting Relief

Jaw pain can make chewing, yawning, and talking a painful experience. This is a syndrome known as Temporomandibular Joint syndrome… Read More

May 19, 2021

Exercise Benefits For Optimal Spinal Health

The spine interconnects the entire body transmitting and receiving messages from the brain allowing for coordinated movement. Maintaining optimal spinal… Read More

May 7, 2021

Reverse The Effects Of Sedentary Lifestyle Through Chiropractic

Many of us spend a great deal of work time sitting at a desk/station every day. The damage that is… Read More

May 5, 2021

The Body’s Joints and Protection From Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is said to affect around 1.5 million individuals. Recognized as an autoimmune condition that presents with chronic pain… Read More

May 4, 2021

Supporting A Spouse, Partner With Chronic Pain

For individuals that have a partner or spouse with chronic back pain, life can feel like it revolves around the… Read More

April 29, 2021

The Science Behind Genetic Encoding and Endurance Performance

The athletic potential is multifactorial; gender, age, specific discipline, weight, body composition, and genetics are strong predictors of performance and… Read More

April 28, 2021

Pelvic Pain and Chiropractic Relief

The pelvis is designed to bear and distribute the weight of the body along with regular everyday movement. It is… Read More

April 27, 2021

Lifestyle Adjustments and Chiropractic Enhancements

Individuals are realizing the enhancements that chiropractic produces along with lifestyle adjustments. Chiropractic is about total body health. This includes:… Read More

April 26, 2021

Ways Chiropractic Treats Whiplash Effectively and Successfully

A whiplash injury can cause pain for months, even years after the accident/incident. It can cause persistent pain in the… Read More

April 23, 2021

Gene Expression, SNPs, and Injury Recovery

Physical activity has a heavy impact on our body composition. Body composition and specific methods like bioimpedance analysis and DEXA… Read More

April 22, 2021

Sciatica Pain and Symptoms Improvement

Determining if sciatica pain and symptoms are showing improvement can be as simple as the pain significantly reducing or it… Read More

April 20, 2021

Recovering From A Deadlift Lower Back Injury

The deadlift is a weight training exercise that helps build muscle, strength, and stamina. It works legs, core, buttocks, and… Read More

April 15, 2021

Avoiding and Preventing Spinal Compression Fractures

Spinal vertebral compression fractures are a common injury in older individuals brought on from a lowered bone density. Hip and… Read More

April 14, 2021