
Oblique Muscle Strengthening: EP Functional Wellness Clinic

The 0blique muscles support and aid in side-to-side movement, helping maintain back strength and healthy posture. There are two oblique… Read More

November 28, 2022

Baseball Training: Wellness Doctor Rx

All sports differ in the relative importance of various physical skills contributing to the game and individual performance. Baseball is… Read More

October 25, 2022

Muscle Recovery Supplements: Chiropractic Wellness Clinic

Workout recovery is as important as working out. Pushing muscle past its normal levels creates tiny tears in the muscle… Read More

October 21, 2022

Functional Fitness Conditioning: Wellness Doctor Rx

Functional fitness conditioning exercises train the muscles for everyday activities safely and efficiently. It refers to exercises that simulate daily… Read More

August 19, 2022

Sports Performance Competitive Anxiety Tension: Chiropractic Release

Athletes train and practice constantly to prepare their mind and bodies for the big games, matches, etc. When the game… Read More

July 8, 2022

Body Flexibleness: Decompression

Body Flexibleness: The body loses a small amount of flexibility during normal aging. Decreased body flexibility can negatively impact everyday… Read More

April 28, 2022

Pregnant and Chiropractic

Pregnant and Chiropractic: Many women experience back/pelvis/leg/feet swelling, soreness, achiness, and pain during pregnancy. A growing belly added weight and… Read More

March 15, 2022

Volleyball Strength Workout

Volleyball is a dynamic game that requires players to be fast on their feet. Players have to be able to… Read More

March 4, 2022

Healthy Sleep, Physical Activity, and Muscle Recovery

Healthy sleep plays a vital role in the body's overall health, as it ensures muscle growth, recovery, and illness prevention.… Read More

March 1, 2022

Body Stretching Fundamentals

 Stretching Fundamentals: Stretching benefits the body by keeping the muscles flexible, strong, healthy, and able to maintain optimal physical performance.… Read More

February 23, 2022

Sports Specific Performance Training

Sports-specific performance training is an approach to develop an athlete's full potential in their sport. This involves three different factors:… Read More

February 17, 2022

Musculoskeletal Nutrition

Musculoskeletal Nutrition: Musculoskeletal conditions are non-communicable conditions/disorders and are the most common conditions that chiropractors and physiotherapists treat. Unhealthy lifestyle… Read More

February 10, 2022

Improve Sports Performance

Athletes or weekend warriors hate to be sidelined from an injury or physical limitation. This is where chiropractic medicine and… Read More

February 1, 2022

Planks For Spine Support and Back Pain Prevention

Regularly doing planks can support/strengthen the spine and prevent back pain no matter the fitness level. It's estimated that 70%… Read More

December 22, 2021

Getting Fit and Staying Active

Many individuals are trying to get fit and stay active through physical activity and exercise. Getting back to a previous… Read More

December 3, 2021

Carpal Tunnel Prevention

Today, we are constantly tapping, scrolling, clicking, using our hands, fingers, and thumbs on smartphones, tablets, computers, etc. Constant repetitive… Read More

October 15, 2021

Kettlebell Strengthening For Back Pain Safety

Kettlebell training for the back muscles and back pain prevention can be part of a recommended treatment plan. When experiencing… Read More

October 5, 2021

Healthy Dark Chocolate Benefits

Chocolate is comfort food. When stressed out, frustrated it makes you feel better, and when things are great, it can… Read More

September 24, 2021

Playing Tennis With Back Pain

Tennis is a sport that can be enjoyed by individuals of all ages and provides optimal physical activity and cardiovascular… Read More

July 15, 2021

Auto Accident Hidden Injuries and Bio-Chiropractic Care/Rehabilitation

After an auto accident that might not have caused serious damage, individuals often believe that they're fine only to find… Read More

June 30, 2021

Seeing A Chiropractor Regularly for Injury Prevention and Maintenance

Seeing A Chiropractor Regularly for Injury Prevention and Maintenance. A common question that comes up is how often is it… Read More

April 8, 2021

Vitamin D For Bone Health and Injury Prevention

Vitamin D, also known as the sunshine pill, can help keep the musculoskeletal system healthy and prevent injury by keeping… Read More

April 5, 2021