neck pain

Relieving Myelopathy With Decompression

Introduction The neck has two functions that allow the body to make sure that it holds the head up. The motor functions… Read More

May 24, 2022

Using Decompression Traction Therapy For Pinched Cervical Nerves

Introduction The neck allows the head to turn up, down, left, right, and side to side while supporting it. The neck is… Read More

May 3, 2022

Neck Pain & Decompression Therapy

Introduction Do you ever get that stiff feeling just by turning your head, or do your shoulders start to feel tense after a stressful… Read More

April 26, 2022

Dr. Alex Jimenez Podcast: What Chiropractors Do & Why They Do It

  Dr. Alex Jimenez, a chiropractor in El Paso, TX, Kenna Vaughn, Truide Torres, and Astrid Ornelas discuss what it… Read More

March 13, 2020

Podcast: Why Chiropractic Care Works

  In the following podcast video article, Dr. Alex Jimenez, a chiropractor in El Paso, TX, and Dr. Mario Ruja,… Read More

March 9, 2020

Neck Pain Treatment Management

I do recommend that you seek a specialist, in this case, it would be Dr. Alex Jimenez. His techniques to… Read More

September 12, 2018

Understanding Neck Pain and Headaches

My treatment with Dr. Alex Jimenez has been helping me by simply making me less tired. I'm not experiencing as… Read More

August 14, 2018

Active Release Technique (A.R.T.) for Chronic Neck Pain in El Paso, TX

[et_pb_section bb_built="1"][et_pb_row][et_pb_column type="4_4"][et_pb_text _builder_version="3.6"] Active Release Technique (A.R.T) is a hands on soft tissue treatment for ligaments, tendons muscles and… Read More

June 8, 2018

Common Causes of Neck and Back Pain in El Paso, TX

Technology makes life more convenient, but it has also made our lifestyles more sedentary. Poor posture's stress places unnecessary amounts… Read More

May 2, 2018