The function of the arm is to allow for movement of the wrist and hand. Various muscles initiate the arm's actions, large muscles flex and extend, pronate and supinate, and… Read More
Breathing nourishes the whole body and regulates important functions like heart rate and blood pressure. It also reinforces proper body mechanics to lessen the stress on the body when moving.… Read More
As humans, there are a variety of stressors experienced daily. Stress collects in various body areas, most commonly the upper back, jaw, and neck muscles. Stress leads to tension in… Read More
Introduction When the body sustains an injury or a virus, the immune system springs into action by sending out cytokines to the affected area and causes a process known as inflammation. Inflammation in the… Read More
Learning how to stay active with busy lives and schedules takes practice. There are daily ways to incorporate physical movement into the everyday routine and shed sedentary habits in favor… Read More
Automobile accidents are emotionally and physically traumatic events. After an accident, individuals assume that they are okay if they don't have any broken bones or gashing cuts. However, even minor… Read More
Pretty much everyone experiences a muscle cramp at some point. A muscle cramp is an involuntarily contracted muscle that does not relax, similar to a spasm, but a cramp lasts… Read More
Body misalignment can cause various symptoms, ranging from headaches, neck and back pain, sore feet, joints, muscles, nerves, and digestive problems. Improperly aligned vertebrae can press against nerves, pinching or… Read More
Softball and baseball require running, jumping, throwing, and swinging movements. Even for the fittest athletes and weekend warriors, the body and the neuromusculoskeletal system will go through overuse injuries, throwing-related… Read More
Intercostal muscles are the muscles within the rib cage, commonly called the intercostals, which connect the ribs and make up the chest wall. An intercostal muscle strain refers to an… Read More