Chiropractic is a form of alternative treatment which focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of a variety of musculoskeletal injuries and conditions, especially those associated with the spine. Dr. Alex Jimenez discusses how the use of spinal adjustments and manual manipulations on a regular basis can greatly help both improve and eliminate many symptoms that could be causing discomfort to the individual. Chiropractors believe among the main reasons for pain and disease is the misalignment of the vertebrae in the spinal column (this is known as a chiropractic subluxation). Through the usage of manual detection (or palpation), carefully applied pressure, massage, and manual manipulation of the vertebrae and joints (called adjustments), chiropractors are able to alleviate pressure and irritation on the nerves, restore joint mobility, and help return the body’s homeostasis. From subluxations, or spinal misalignments, to sciatica, a set of symptoms along the sciatic nerve caused by nerve impingement, chiropractic care can gradually restore the individuals natural state of being. Dr. Jimenez compiles a group of concepts pertaining to chiropractic to best educate individuals on the variety of injuries and conditions affecting the human body. For more information, contact us at (915) 850-0900 or text to call Dr. Jimenez personally at (915) 540-8444.
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